Merge Dragons!

Merge Dragons!

Android iOS
  • File Size:


  • Updated Date:

    May 29, 2023

  • Version:


  • Developer:


  • File Size:

    238.3 MB

  • Updated Date:

    31 May 2023

  • Version:


  • Developer:


  • File Size:


  • Updated Date:


  • Version:


  • Developer:





Merge Dragons! is a captivating puzzle adventure game that takes players on a magical journey through a mystical world. In this enchanting land, players discover a variety of objects and creatures that can be merged together to create powerful items and solve puzzles.

The game offers a rich and immersive content experience, including:

Merging Objects: Merge Dragons! revolves around the concept of merging three or more identical objects to create new and more valuable items. By merging objects, players unlock new lands, reveal hidden treasures, and progress through the game's narrative.

Dragon Breeding: Players have the opportunity to hatch and breed adorable dragons. Each dragon possesses unique skills and abilities that aid players in their quest. Breeding dragons and merging them together unlocks even more majestic and powerful dragons.

Puzzle Challenges: Merge Dragons! presents a wide variety of engaging puzzles to solve. These puzzles require players to strategically merge objects, match specific items, and strategically use resources to achieve specific goals. Completing puzzles unlocks rewards, expands the game world, and reveals the story behind the mystical realm.

Quests and Events: The game features an array of quests and time-limited events that add depth and excitement to the gameplay. Players embark on quests to fulfill objectives, collect rare items, and uncover the secrets of the land. Time-limited events offer unique challenges and exclusive rewards, encouraging players to strategize and optimize their gameplay.

Camp Development: Players have their own campsite, which serves as a hub for their adventures. The campsite can be expanded and customized by merging objects, completing quests, and meeting certain requirements. A well-developed camp produces valuable resources and acts as a tranquil oasis amidst the magical world.


Merge Dragons! presents players with various challenges throughout their journey:

Limited Resources: Resources play a crucial role in the game. Players must strategically manage their resources, such as merging objects efficiently to maximize their availability. This requires careful planning and resource allocation.

Complex Puzzles: As players progress, the puzzles become increasingly intricate and challenging. Players need to employ critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and efficient merging strategies to overcome these puzzles and advance further in the game.

Stamina Management: Actions in the game, such as merging objects or harvesting resources, consume stamina. Players must manage their stamina levels effectively, pacing their activities to ensure they can continue playing and progressing without exhausting their stamina.

Time-Limited Events: Merge Dragons! introduces time-limited events that provide unique challenges and exclusive rewards. Players must strategize and optimize their gameplay during these events to earn special items and prizes within the given timeframe.

How to Play Merge Dragons!:

Launch the Game: Start Merge Dragons! on your mobile device.

Complete the Tutorial: The game begins with a tutorial that provides an overview of the basic mechanics. Follow the instructions and prompts to understand the core concepts of merging objects and progressing through the game.

Merge Objects: The primary gameplay mechanic in Merge Dragons! involves merging objects. To merge objects, you need at least three identical items. Drag and place them together to merge them into a more valuable item. Experiment with different combinations to discover new and exciting objects.

Solve Puzzles: Merge Dragons! features a variety of puzzles that you'll encounter throughout your journey. These puzzles require strategic thinking and planning. Some puzzles may involve matching specific items, while others may require merging objects in a specific order. Analyze the puzzle and make thoughtful merges to complete the objectives and earn rewards.

Harvest and Gather: Within the game world, you'll find various resources, such as plants, dragon eggs, and treasure chests. Tap on these items to harvest them and gather resources. These resources are essential for merging objects, completing quests, and progressing through the game.

Dragon Breeding: As you collect dragon eggs, you can place them in your camp and wait for them to hatch. Once hatched, you can merge dragons together to create more powerful and unique dragons. Each dragon possesses different abilities and can help you in various ways. Experiment with different combinations to breed new types of dragons.

Expand and Develop Your Camp: Your camp serves as your base of operations. Merge objects and complete quests to unlock and expand different areas of your camp. As you develop your camp, you'll gain access to additional resources, buildings, and quests. Customize your camp by placing objects strategically and creating a harmonious environment.

Quests and Events: Merge Dragons! offers a series of quests and time-limited events that provide additional challenges and rewards. Engage in quests to complete specific objectives and progress through the game's story. Time-limited events introduce unique puzzles and exclusive rewards that you can obtain within a specific timeframe.

Strategic Planning: Merge Dragons! requires strategic planning and decision-making. Think ahead and consider the outcomes of your merges. Sometimes, it's beneficial to save certain objects for future combinations or to strategically merge them to achieve specific goals. Take your time and plan your moves to maximize your progress.

Social Interactions: Merge Dragons! allows players to connect with friends, join communities, and exchange gifts. Take advantage of these social features to collaborate, share tips, and receive help from other players. Participate in cooperative events to collectively work towards shared objectives.

Remember, Merge Dragons! is a game that encourages exploration, creativity, and puzzle-solving. Enjoy the relaxing and immersive experience as you merge objects, breed dragons, and restore harmony to the magical world.
