Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire

Android iOS
  • File Size:

    25.17 MB

  • Updated Date:

    Apr 5, 2021

  • Version:


  • Developer:

    Humble Games

  • File Size:

    1 GB

  • Updated Date:

    Sep 21, 2021

  • Version:


  • Developer:

    Humble Games

  • File Size:


  • Updated Date:


  • Version:


  • Developer:

    Humble Games




Slay the Spire is a highly acclaimed roguelike deck-building game that combines strategic card play and dungeon crawling. You'll embark on a quest to ascend the Spire, a treacherous tower filled with enemies, traps, and powerful bosses. As you progress, you'll collect new cards, relics, and potions to customize your deck and enhance your character's abilities. The game also features multiple playable characters, each with their own unique set of cards and playstyle.

There are four distinct characters in Slay the Spire, each with their own strengths and strategies:

Ironclad: A mighty warrior with a focus on brute force and resilience.

Silent: A nimble assassin who excels at poison and precision strikes.

Defect: A mechanical being that manipulates elemental orbs to unleash devastating spells.

Watcher: A disciplined monk who uses stances and divine mantras to control the battlefield.

Slay the Spire takes you through various dynamically generated floors of the Spire, each offering different encounters, enemies, and rewards. The environments range from dark and foreboding corridors to eerie forests and mystic temples. Each floor presents new challenges and opportunities, requiring you to adapt your strategies to survive.

The game consists of three distinct acts, with multiple floors in each act. As you ascend the Spire, you'll face increasingly difficult enemies, powerful bosses, and elite encounters. The goal is to progress through each act, defeating bosses to unlock new cards, relics, and paths to explore.

In Slay the Spire, you start with a basic deck of cards and gradually add new cards to your collection as you progress. Each turn, you'll draw a hand of cards that you can play to attack enemies, defend yourself, or apply various effects. Building a synergistic deck that maximizes your character's strengths is crucial to success.

During combat encounters, you'll face a variety of enemies with their own attack patterns and abilities. Carefully choose which cards to play each turn, considering their energy cost, damage output, and potential strategic benefits. Some cards may weaken enemies, apply status effects, or provide healing, so planning your actions is vital.

As you explore the Spire, you'll discover relics and potions that can greatly impact your gameplay. Relics provide passive bonuses and unique effects, while potions offer one-time benefits, such as healing or temporary buffs. Utilize these resources strategically to gain an advantage in battles.

Throughout your journey, you'll encounter branching paths that offer different encounters and rewards. Assess the risks and rewards of each path, considering your current deck and resources. Some paths may lead to powerful relics or rest sites for healing, while others may contain challenging enemies or elite encounters.

Rest sites provide opportunities to heal your character, remove cards from your deck, or upgrade existing cards to make them more powerful. Balancing between resting to recover health and upgrading cards to enhance your deck is crucial for long-term success.

Slay the Spire is a game of strategic choices. Decide when to be aggressive and when to play defensively. Evaluate the potential rewards against the risks before engaging in combat encounters. Prioritize cards and relics that synergize well with your deck's strategy.
